
> 협회소식 > 학술대회안내
4th Asia Pacific International Conference on Positive Behavior Support
4th Asia Pacific International Conference on Positive Behavior Support
작성자 관리자 작성일 2023-08-09 15:04:22
아이피 ***.***.***.212 조회수 88

Welcome message

It is my great honor to host the 4th Asia Pacific International PBS Conference here in Japan. Due to the global pandemic situation over the past few years, most conferences have switched to an online format. It is about time we started to miss face-to-face communication. We would like to welcome you to the PBS community from Japan and abroad so that we can have face-to-face discussions for the first time in several years and have a lively exchange of research, practice, and experience of PBS. For those who are unable to attend in person for various reasons, we will also be offering video recording archives. I appreciate this great opportunity to learn, think, and talk together about how the practice of PBS is disseminated in different languages, cultures, and regions of the Asia-Pacific and other countries, and how it is contributing to improving our quality of life. I also expect to discuss what issues we can work together to address in the future. We hope you will fully enjoy this two-day event and your time in Japan.

Conference Committee Chair
Kanako Otsui, Ph.D. (Kindai University)


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협회소식>학술대회안내 게시글 목록 - 번호,파일,제목,조회수,작성자,작성일
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